REEEP Annual
Report 2022
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The Private Financing Advisory Network

Mobilising investment for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and businesses

Leaf Capital | PFAN success story | Fiji


The Private Financing Advisory Network is a global network of locally based climate and clean energy finance experts which offers free business coaching and investment facilitation to entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects in low and middle-income countries. With a focus on clean energy and climate mitigation and adaptation, PFAN has been in operation since 2006, making it one of the longest-standing project preparation facilities working with SMEs in developing country markets. Since 2016, REEEP has been co-hosting the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) together with UNIDO. PFAN aims to build clean energy markets one business at a time, mitigate climate change and mobilise private investment in support of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. While combating climate change is its ultimate goal, in its day-to-day work, PFAN is driven by a desire to help entrepreneurs succeed. Getting a project off the ground is difficult; there are many barriers faced by entrepreneurs, especially those linked to accessing additional investment. Its efforts have resulted in a milestone in 2022: since inception, PFAN-supported projects have mobilised over USD 3 billion in investment.

PFAN operates in

  1. Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. South Asia
  3. Southeast Asia
  4. Pacific Islands
  5. Eastern Europe & Central Asia
  6. Latin America & the Caribbean

PFAN in 2022

Now more than ever, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that focus on climate change is crucial. SMEs play a critical role in driving sustainability, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing climate resilience. By increasing investment in and supporting SMEs that prioritise climate action, we can help create a more resilient and sustainable future, while also promoting economic growth and job creation.

Throughout 2022, PFAN continued its work with its global network of locally-based clean energy and climate finance experts. Its focus remained on bridging the gap between entrepreneurs and investors, which includes capacitating entrepreneurs to develop bankable projects, increasing investor confidence in and providing access to climate and clean energy projects as well as enhancing the capacity of local ecosystems to develop self-sustaining and gender-responsive climate mitigation and adaptation markets.

2022 was a year of global challenges: ongoing impacts of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine resulted in a significant increase in food and energy prices and tightening financial conditions, all factors which are hindering the efforts towards the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite these challenging circumstances, PFAN celebrated the remarkable achievement of USD 3 billion leveraged by PFAN-supported climate and clean energy projects.

In 2022, 47 PFAN-supported projects mobilised financing and leveraged over USD 865 million.  It is continuously working to improve support for climate entrepreneurs, including looking at new ways of creating impact and introducing new service modules to get them better equipped to interact with investors. Last year, PFAN capacitated its network of Advisors to transform them into effective agents of gender-equitable change in their support to entrepreneurs. It also increased its focus on the circular economy with dedicated capacity building to its networks and launched a knowledge corner on the topic.

PFAN further intensified its efforts to raise awareness of the need for adaptation solutions and organised several events to originate projects with a focus on climate adaptation. With the return of more in-person events, PFAN took the opportunity to showcase its work in adaptation at COP27 and facilitate a space for discussion and exploring key challenges and opportunities in scaling up adaptation finance and closing existing gaps between relevant actors.

PFAN in Numbers: 2006-2022

Total investment leveraged (USD billion)
Clean energy capacity added (MW)
Total projects supported by PFAN
Total projects which mobilised finance
of projects mobilised finance
Potential CO2e emission mitigation (megatonnes/year)


Credit: Polarfux


After reaching the milestone of USD 2 billion in investment leveraged by PFAN-supported projects and businesses in 2021, in just over one year, PFAN celebrated another milestone of USD 3 billion in investment leveraged. PFAN continues to grow on its journey to create greater transformative impacts. Project origination and development are increasingly important to create compelling climate investment opportunities to mobilise climate finance, reduce GHG emissions, contribute to the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals and empower and accelerate a just transition.

A SokoFresh employee holds an avocado kept cool at their hub near Nairobi, Kenya.

Credit: Redbunny

Climate Adaptation

The focus of PFAN’s work has traditionally been on mitigation projects for the deployment of relatively mature clean energy technologies and, more recently, other innovative climate mitigation solutions. While this is paramount to reduce greenhouse emissions to help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, the implementation of solutions for adaptation plays a key role in reducing exposure and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, also contributing to sustainable development. Climate risks are rising, and impacts are already coming at only 1.1°C above pre-industrial temperatures.

Mindful of the relevance and need for adaptation solutions, PFAN started looking into adaptation through pilot projects several years ago with positive outcomes. More recently, the private sector and investors, spearheaded by the Lightsmith Group and the support of various multilateral organisations, contributed to the definition of what consists of adaptation solutions by developing a taxonomy, which is used as the blueprint for PFAN’s engagement in this space.

Women carry fresh produce at New Leaf Dynamic Technologies’ GreenCHILL centre in India

Credit: New Leaf

However, it has been observed that the deployment of climate adaptation solutions faces additional challenges, such as a high-risk investor’s perception or the lack of knowledge about these technologies and their business models. The Adaptation Gap Report 2022 stated that “global efforts in adaptation[…] financing and implementation continue to make incremental progress but fail to keep pace with increasing risks”.

To address these challenges, PFAN intensified its efforts in 2022 to raise awareness of the need for adaptation solutions and organised several events to originate projects with a focus on climate adaptation. For example, PFAN hosted an evening event on the sidelines of COP27 titled “Closing the Financing Gap for Climate Adaptation SMEs” on Finance Day in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, which highlighted the actions needed to mobilise the necessary capital to finance climate adaptation projects and businesses and emphasised how the roles of both the public and private sectors are critical in catalysing investment. Furthermore, it submitted the Resilient Investment in Southern Africa-Technical Assistance Facility (RISA-TAF) project to the Green Climate Fund, which was developed in partnership with Camco to mobilise private sector capital for climate adaptation projects and businesses in the agriculture sector in 8 countries in Southern Africa.

Rural women with clean cookstoves from BioMassters in Rwanda.

Credit: BioMassters

Gender Mainstreaming

In 2022, the work with Value for Women – a consultancy firm specialised in providing gender mainstreaming advisory services – continued in order to ensure that the network of PFAN advisors received training on integrating gender aspects in the evaluation and advisory process while supporting entrepreneurs in raising finance for their projects and businesses. The main focus of PFAN’s gender mainstreaming activities centred on outreach to women entrepreneurs and exploring collaboration with women’s organisations with the support of the newly introduced Gender Focal Points, as well as the implementation of activities which contribute to ecosystems becoming more gender inclusive.

Masterclasses on Gender Lens Advising were provided to PFAN Advisors and Country Coordinators in all regions, which resulted in over 100 PFAN advisors successfully completing the training. Externally, outreach to women entrepreneurs and women’s organisations included a gender-targeted campaign on social media with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa to demonstrate PFAN’s work towards making projects and businesses more gender-responsive for a positive impact on economic growth and society.

Furthermore, PFAN initiated two new collaborations in 2022 involving outreach and selection of businesses, namely the African Development Bank Group’s 2022 AgriPitch Competition targeting young and women agripreneurs and the partnership with Serengeti Energy via the Umoja Incubator. With the involvement of the Gender Focal Points, gender aspects were integrated in the evaluation and advisory process of both partnership initiatives which were led by PFAN partners Private Equity Support and Serengeti Energy respectively. These collaborations underlined that PFAN’s commitment goes beyond making its own advisory process more inclusive, but we also influence other entrepreneur support organisations to include gender aspects in their evaluation and advisory processes.


PFAN’s Annual Report provides an overview of its activities in 2022 from the global perspective and regional pages featuring highlights and statistics from each of its areas of operation as well as a selection of PFAN-supported projects sharing their success stories and experience in the PFAN Journey.

PFAN’s Donors